Ear Blockage/Ear Wax

Ear blockage, also known as ear wax, is a common problem. It’s caused by the buildup of wax inside your ear canal. When this happens, it can cause hearing loss and discomfort. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what causes ear blockage, how to identify it, and ways to treat it.

What Causes Ear Blockage?

Ear blockage is caused by the buildup of wax in the ear canal. The wax is produced naturally by tiny glands in your ear canal and helps keep your ears clean. However, if too much wax accumulates in your ears, it can cause a blockage that affects your hearing. This usually happens when people try to clean their ears themselves with cotton swabs or other objects that push the wax further into their ear canal instead of removing it.

How Can You Identify Ear Blockage?

If you are experiencing hearing loss or discomfort in one or both ears, you could be suffering from ear blockage. Other signs include ringing in the ears (tinnitus), dizziness (vertigo), itching inside the ears, a feeling of fullness inside the ear(s), and discharge from the affected ear(s). If you think you may have an ear blockage, it’s important to seek medical advice from an audiologist or other healthcare professional as soon as possible to avoid any long-term damage to your hearing.

How Can You Treat Ear Blockage?

The most effective way to treat an ear blockage is through professional removal at an audiologist’s office. During this process, warm water will be used to flush out any built-up wax in your ear canal and then suctioned out with specialized tools designed for this purpose. This method is safe and effective and should provide relief from any symptoms caused by the blockage within 24 hours of treatment. If necessary, medications such as corticosteroids or antihistamines may be prescribed to reduce inflammation and help reduce pain or discomfort associated with the condition.

If you think you might have an ear blockage due to excessive buildup of wax in your ears, don’t try to clean them yourself — seek professional help! An audiologist will be able to diagnose any underlying issues causing your symptoms and recommend a suitable treatment plan for you based on their findings. Professional removal of excess wax is safe and effective and should provide relief quickly when done correctly. With proper care and attention, you can keep your ears healthy so that they continue functioning properly for years to come!

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